

Cheating and stealing have no place in a Torah setting where relationships and honesty are cherished. 所有的工作都必须自己完成. Acknowledgment must be given for all work not your own–this includes words, ideas and art. 在一个项目中协同工作时, all participants names must be included and all are equally responsible for proper citing of sources.

任何形式的抄袭, 或者考试作弊, 小测验, 项目或论文将导致零分的作业, 留校察看, 失去参加国家荣誉协会和其他荣誉的资格.

The report of the violation will be placed in the student’s permanent record and may result in suspension or expulsion.

为了防止抄袭, all major written assignments must be submitted electronically to a service, Turnitin.com,评估每篇论文的独创性. Students will be given the necessary information for registering for each of their classes in order to submit written work.


当学生在学院注册时, they join a community that seeks to support one another both in and out of school. 正是因为这个原因,学院的学生在校外做的事情, 作为学院社区的一员, 我们关心的是什么?. 因此, all events that involve Academy students must not only conform to standards of safety (physical, 情感, 等.),也符合卫生标准(例如.g. 安息日,犹太教规,适当的男女互动和谦虚). Any student sponsoring an event in violation of this norm will face suspension and possible expulsion from the school. Students participating in such events and violating the expected norms of behavior of an Academy student may face consequences from the school.

使用任何非法物质, 比如毒品或酒精, 或者吸烟, 无论是在学校还是在任何学校活动中, 是被禁止的. 任何被发现持有, 消费, 或出售酒精饮料或任何其他管制物品, either on school grounds or during school activities will face expulsion.

互联网提供了巨大的机会,也带来了巨大的危险.  We encourage families to install appropriate filters on all devices connected to the internet. ICJA will hold students responsible for what they post on the internet, both in and out of school.

In addition, the possession of any object that may be construed as being dangerous (e.g. pen knife, gun, fireworks), either on school grounds or during school activities, 是被禁止的. 任何被发现持有 such an object will face suspension and possible expulsion from the school.

Finally, it is expected of all ICJA that students that exhibit respect for teacher and peers. 如果出于某种原因, 老师让一个学生离开教室, 那个学生应该直接去找Mr. 哈里斯,然后等待管理员发出重新录取通知.



在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场, we believe in the importance of integrating technology to enhance learning while preserving the values of independent thought, 严格的奖学金, 以及通过协作工作实现的社会化. 在学生的学习过程中,人工智能是一个强有力的工具. 它可以提供个性化的学习材料, 帮助学生理解复杂的话题, 并让学生获得丰富的知识. It can facilitate studying and make learning more interactive and engaging. 然而, 使用ai时, it is essential to ensure that student actions remain within the framework of academic integrity. 

The goal of your education is not just about earning grades; it is about learning, 日益增长的, 让学生为未来做好准备. Our AI policy is designed to balance the benefits of AI tools with the development of essential academic skills, 确保学生学会批判性思考, 写有效, 进行彻底的研究, 协作工作. 该策略中包含的人工智能工具包括文本、图形和声音.

教师可以在他们的课程中采用这些指导方针, 在他们认为合适的情况下进一步限制或扩大人工智能的使用, including either banning or requiring the use of AI for a particular assignment. Such adaptation must be presented to the students before assigning work and must be in writing


1. 人工智能的道德使用:

学生必须以道德和负责任的方式使用人工智能工具, 确保他们的工作保持学术诚信. 人工智能可以帮助寻找信息和解释概念, which is very much like a tutor helping you or using Google to find resources that explain the information or concepts. 这样,人工智能就可以以合乎道德的方式使用. 

然而, 你不应该用人工智能来完成你的作业, 测试, 或者完全代表你做任何形式的工作. 这相当于作弊,是对AI的不道德使用.

In addition, using AI without proper attribution is a form of plagiarism and is strictly prohibited.

Proper citation of AI-assisted research and content requires a complete transcript of the conversation and is mandatory.

2. 人工智能作为学习辅助工具:

人工智能应该补充学习,而不是取代学习. 鼓励学生使用人工智能进行头脑风暴, 组织思想, 提高他们对复杂话题的理解.

All AI-assisted work must include citations indicating the use of AI tools.

3. 独立思考:

需要个人反思的作业, 批判性分析, 或者原创思想必须独立完成. AI tools may be used for preliminary research but should not substitute for the student’s analysis and synthesis.


1. 研究及资料收集:

学生可以使用人工智能工具收集信息和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场. 人工智能辅助研究的适当引用是强制性的.

AI tools can help students locate primary and secondary sources but should not replace thorough reading and comprehension of these sources.

2. 写作帮助:

AI tools like grammar checkers and style editors can be used to improve writing quality. 然而,学生必须独立完成初稿.

AI-generated suggestions for rephrasing or grammar correction are allowed, but the final content must reflect the student’s voice and understanding.

3. 问题解决和数据分析:

人工智能可以用于复杂的计算, 数据分析, 以及数学和科学等科目的模拟.

学生必须表现出对方法和过程的理解, 而不仅仅是人工智能工具产生的结果.


1. 论文和作业生成:

Students are not permitted to use AI to generate entire essays, reports, or other assignments. 这破坏了写作和批判性思维技能的发展.

2. 自动回复和作业完成:

不允许使用人工智能完成家庭作业, 回答问题, 或者提供自动回复代替个人努力.

3. 考试及评核:

AI tools are prohibited during exams and assessments unless explicitly allowed by the teacher for specific purposes (e.g.(在数学考试中使用计算器).


1. 人工智能检测:

The school will utilize AI detection software to identify instances of non-cited AI-generated content in student work.

Students found to be using AI without proper citation will be subject to academic penalties in accordance with the ICJA’s plagiarism policy.

2. 课堂作业增加:

To promote the proper use of AI, teachers will increase the use of guided practice (i.e., in-class work assignments, such as brief essays, problem-solving, 等.). These in-class assignments will be used as a benchmark for student voice and abilities, and independent work will be compared to them to discourage the misuse of AI.

3. 检讨和适应:

The AI policy will be reviewed annually to adapt to new technological advancements and ensure it continues to support the educational values of 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场.

Feedback from students, teachers, and parents will be considered to refine and improve the policy.



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